Renovations & Project Management

Maybe it’s a specific room, a replacement floor, a major addition, a bathroom or kitchen remodel, or maybe you’re simply feeling the need for a home pick-me-up…. a little energy boost - a “feel good” decorating update; or to use current media jargon, a makeover!
Whatever the nature of your home’s needs, large or small; specific or undecided; you’ve come to the right place to manage it.
Interior design/decorating and renovation are complicated businesses which depend upon the skillful co-ordination of many different products and trades in a specific sequence and time-frame to successfully complete projects, much of which is unseen when the job is finished.
It takes knowledge and experience to manage successfully.
Choosing products for ourselves and our homes should be fun! We should be able to compare goods and services one to another by virtue of their composition; manufacturing processes; standards compliance; suitability of use; and last but not least, their aesthetic appeal & cost.
Truth be known, the industry is actually widely regulated to ensure product and performance standards meet society’s needs for basic building safety, accessibility, health & safety. However when it comes to selecting product and hiring contractors, the “trading floor” is far less transparent and in the end, we live in a “buyer beware universe”. Basically it’s a “free market” from a supply perspective and one that often remains disconnected from fabrication and installation excellence despite its impact on long term performance.
Unlike compulsory licensed trades (plumbers, electricians etc.) there is no mandatory certificate of practice required to qualify as either a builder; or a renovator. Some municipalities require business licences to work in specific jurisdictional areas, but this is not a certification of technical competency.
This is true for many fabricators as well – from upholstery & draperies to cabinetry & countertops – each “trade category” requires uniquely specific knowledge and nothing compensates for proper skills training including building code requirements and experience to get the job done well.

Irene Turnbull will help you understand how good choices are made and point you in the right direction for finding the support you need to make satisfying decisions to make your project large or small a huge success. Irene’s ability to inspire enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence among the trades she works with on her clients projects, is definitely the added ingredient that ensures our results move from ordinary to great!